Meet the ladies of RuPaul's Roost, Zero Clucks Given
Who is ready for a little chicken humor?
We got chicks. They live in our kitchen. They stink. They were cute. Now they are smelly.
Proof of past cuteness:
For real though, the chicken coop took a little longer to build than anyone expected and the ladies are ready to move into their palace. It’s like the Real World season 859. Janice is not happy with anyone, the little guy is getting picked on, and everyone keeps going to someone else’s room and doing inappropriate things.
If it weren’t for Jason and our good friend Shannon, the chickens may have soon taken over our entire home. If you ever want free eggs, just help your buddy build a coop!
RuPaul’s Roost, almost complete:
Since the ladies are getting ready to head to their roost, I figured we should formally introduce ya’ll to them, share a little about their breeds, and of course how they each got their names.
I’m guessing you’re wondering why we have a roost named after RuPaul?
We have two Austra Whites. One has been exceptionally large since about 2 weeks old. She acts like a rooster. She pecks like a rooster. She is probably a he. He was supposed to be a she. So we named her RuPaul - we love her no matter her sex or chosen identity.
Can you find RuPaul in the group pictures???
How the chicks got their names…
We had planned on naming all of the chickens after amazing female musical artists— you know, Lizzo, Jewel, Alanis. However, Zayden and RuPaul had other ideas, so we have a little bit of everything going on.
‘Merica looks like a mini eagle. Its name is also Unspeakable. Don’t ask.
Millie Tillie may also be a rooster; only time will tell.
My Mama named Patsy Cline.
Janice from Friends is completely self explanatory once you meet, I mean, HEAR, her. Oddly enough, her sign at Murdoch’s said that her breed is quiet. Pffft.
Falcon looks like a falcon. We are losing our creativity.
Shark is a little grey/white bantam. It’s named after a YouTuber. #LifeWithAn8YearOld
Pics of all the ladies coming soon! My plan is to get a photo of each gal and print it along with her breed info, laminate it (because #CrazyChickenLady), and put it out at the coop so visitors, when we can have them, can learn about the different breeds.
*this post is in memory of Face Down Brown and Moose, two baby chicks who lived a short but sweet life and now rest in peace under the apple tree.